That’s not bad to start with!
Now we’re going to a rather curious place with a square that’s also great for playing hide and seek, which is what I used to do while the adults attended Holy Mass…
Are you ready for the next riddle?
The believers have to go up,
to find the house of God,
as everybody knows,
it is right at the top.
Information: The New Church (Església Nova), also dedicated to St Michael, is neo-Gothic in style and very spacious. Although work on it began in October 1800, the various civil wars of the 19th century interrupted its construction. The walls and some of the raised vaults were used as a fortress and a place to resist attacks, which is why the old people of the town called it the “Fort”. It was completed in the 1940s, largely thanks to the drive of Monsignor Gaietà Ivern.
The doors greet you with incomplete symbolism: first a cross, then a staurogram and finally another cross.
Can you complete what’s missing to access the next level?
(3 digits!)
Do you know the answer already?
There are nails missing from each icon. Perhaps the solution lies there?
In case you didn’t know, this is a staurogram:
You have to count the nails missing from each icon. Each icon represents a digit of the code.
So the code is: