Well done!
These streets bring back lots of memories. A bit farther up was where the Guardia Civil station was in my parents’ time, in quite a sinister building already from its origin.
Ready for the riddle?
We’ll go up De la Pica street without delay
until we come to a rather unusual square,
far from being a place in which to sit and stay,
in its innards it hides a cell.
Information: The Prison is the only part that remains today of the building constructed in the early nineteenth century due to the reconfiguration of the site to begin work on the Església Nova (New Church). The house was the Civil Guard barracks for more than 60 years, as well as the town hall, the butcher’s, the prison, the public school and a convent, sometimes serving three or four of these purposes at the same time.
X marks the solution!
Write the message in capital letters without spaces!
Do you know the answer already?
Have you noticed anything in the prison that looks like the grid of the riddle?
If you find it, you’ll soon see the X. Think about reading the solution from left to right!
If you look at the prison bars you’ll see a criss-cross pattern very similar to the puzzle grid. Those bars have two crossed rods. If you transfer them to the grid you can deduce the letters of the solution. Now you just need to read it from left to right to get the code.
And the code is: