Wow! You’re really good!
My investigations have taken me to many interesting places full of history, like the next one we’re going to!
And now the riddle!
Now it’s time to go back the way we came,
And turn into the street that heals all,
Descending past a building that triangulates,
We’ll have arrived at the Portal de la Canal.

Information: The Portal del Canal (Canal Gate) dates from the 15th century and is part of the city walls of Mont-roig. It’s a double gateway with a tower and gives access to the steep slope up to the washhouse and the Riudecanyes or Vilanova road. Although it is known as the “washhouse ascent”, in the past they had a more optimistic version, as they called it the “descent”.
If you tried to enter here with bad intentions, you could end up well peppered.
Do you know how many arrows they’d fire at you?

Do you know the answer already?
Remember that the gate belonged to an old tower of the city walls and all the tower has embrasures…
On the tower, just above the gate, are the embrasures.

So the answer is: