Ecotourism, walking and wine tourism in Catalonia: book local with us!


We have started 2016 with a very mild winter weather, great for walking our Mediterranean mountains. On our monthly agenda, you will already find day activities to discover our mountains, paired with local gastronomy, photography, nature,… (the agenda is in Catalan, but it can be online translated or, if you click on each activity, you will be able afterwards to find its information in English).

We also started offering an interesting getaway combining astronomy and nature all year long, Astronatura’t, on certain dates, that will let us follow the evolution of our sky and nature and learn how they influence each other. A great oportunity to learn about a thousand year old knowledge, that’s unfortunately being lost because of the racing progress and disconnection from nature in our societies.

And finally, we have started again our photography activities program, with 5 very different activities from February to June (which will continue from July to December). Have a look at its pdf version (in Catalan) to get more information!

Picture of Meritxell Omella Aznar

Meritxell Omella Aznar

Director and guide of El Brogit. Expert walker of the mountains of southern Catalonia and very knowledgeable about the wines and wineries of the region. Expert in ecotourism and network of paths projects. Cofounder of Ludi Artis, working on touristic gamification projects.

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